Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lubbock Downtown Redevelopment Update

The plan is being implemented.   The premiminary phase of burying utility cables and eliminating above-ground telephone and electric supply poles has begun.  Trees growing in the right-of-way have been destroyed before the trenching began.  

Those trees will not be replanted, by the way.  Where the underground conduit goes in, it is covered with concrete, so any future right-of-way landscaping will have to be shallow-rooted.    Are the tree owners compenated in any way for having their trees cut down?  I doubt it, though in one case I know of, the trees were planted in a position to somwwhat reduce cooling bills for the building they shaded.

There are more McDougal Realty signs up in the downtown area.   Which is the synergy effect by which McDougal profits multiplyvariously from every activity in which they engage. 

McDougal;s renovation of the Lubbock Hotel is nearing completion after stagnating for a couple of years.

There are other downtown renovations ompleted or in progress.   TTU is occupying the old Southwestern Public Service / Excel Energy building it acquired as part of the LP&L buy-out deal.   The county is fixing the roof of the old post office on Broadway;  beautiful building, wish it could be put to use;  far more distinguished looking courtroom in that building than the low-ceilinged, carpeted courtrooms at the courthouse across the street.

There have been demolitions.   The old Chamber of Commerce building on the corner of what used to be Municiple Square was torn down months ago.

To be continued...

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